Your art is…
Love. Documentation (in the broader sense of the word) of the signs of the times, people and places. What I see inspires what I do and vice versa.
Name something you love, and why.
In no particular order…. The sun, saltwater and sand, because they nurture the soul. Running, because it resets my mind. Music, because.. music. My cat Oscar, because he is the best. Flowers, because they give us life, colors and fragrances. Travel, because new places inspire and push me out of my comfort zone. Food in various forms and flavors, because it connects us. Books, because they tell me something, I don’t know. Movies, because they can make me laugh and cry. My friends, because I couldn't do it without them. My family, because they are not perfect. My old cat Eames, because I miss him so much, he was the best, giving me hugs, when I needed them. New York City, because I feel at home and pinch myself every day that I made it here. My apartment, because it is the little cloud in the sky. Clothes, shoes, bags, accessories, because I love beautiful things. Art, because it challenges me to look at the world from different points of view. Sleep, because it’s essential. Kisses (from the right person), because it’s rare when the stars align. My cameras, because they are my paint brushes. Magic hour, because… the light. Dancing, because it helped me through quarantine. Make up, because a small brush stroke can lift the spirits. Morning coffee, because it’s a peaceful moment. Photography, because photography.
Which professional success meant the most to you?
Professional and creative success: When I feel that magic just happened.
Could you eat pasta for a whole week?
Only a week?
Analog or Digital?
Where do you go when you want to be with you?
Running. And the beaches of New York City.
Tell us something about your education
After grade 6, my parents followed the math teacher's advice to change the course of my education in order to preserve my creativity. Although interested, I didn’t succeed in science. As a result, I was bored out of my mind and my grades plummeted into the basement. It turned out that between grade 7 and 10, I learned the most when I skipped school. On certain days, when the boredom (and the bullies, but that is a different story) became unbearable, I decided to take my education into my own hands and took field trips to the local museums. There, I was introduced to the works of Erwin Blumenfeld, Duane Micheals and Richard Avedon. In the bookshop, I found collections with images by Robert Frank and Bruce Davidson. This was heaven! When I felt really fancy and I was flush, I took myself out for a bite at the cafeteria. I would return home at the regular hour, invigorated by what I had seen. In the evening, I would draft a note to bring to school and forge my mother’s signature.